Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust



“All it takes is Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust”

– Peter Pan

All it takes is Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust is a popular quote from the beloved Peter Pan. The meaning is simple. Success is a combination of hard work, determination, persistence and a little bit of luck, aka, pixie dust.

Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust is a team of Park Specialists with a mission to create the most efficient, whimsical day for families. Each of us carries Magic in our hearts and has passion in sharing that magic with others.

We accomplish this goal by assisting each family and promising them the commitment to experience all the Magic the Parks have to offer. Whether it be Disney, Universal Studios or Islands of Adventure, we strive to make it the best day ever. We are your personal Genie!

We, like you, have experienced the Parks as guests. Our first visit was at 4 years old and it left an imprint on our hearts that will never disappear. Over 40 years later, we continue to enjoy Disney through sharing it with others.

With over 10 years of in-depth experience, knowledge and continued enthusiasm about the Parks, allow us to whisk you into fantasy, become free spirited and be like Peter Pan, never grow up…. if only for the day.

Family in a theme park
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